Friday 5 February 2016

To Nosh for C&C.

Tuesday 2 Feb 2016. Coffee & Cake with Cycmon

After my Audax of Sunday last I wanted to give my legs a test. Agreed with Cycmon to go for a gentle afternoon ride as we were both busy in the morning. Our route was a familiar one of about 30 miles with the opportunity of refreshments at several locations. In the end we chose Nosh. 
I struggled a bit over the first 3 miles, my legs complaining they'd not recovered from the WWW. However by the time we got to Brown Candover they were responding much better. I did however chose the easiest climb to Herriard. Thankfully the debris field in Ellisfield has been (almost) totally removed.
As we were passing the school in Bentworth we were witness to a super slow mo accident when a lady parking her car failed to apply her hand brake and her car rolled into the back of another. Horrible scrunching noise, but on inspection there appeared to be little damage to either car. 
At Nosh there was little choice of cake, perhaps we should go to the Tree House Cafe next time, they usually have a good selection. However the Pear and Ginger cake we had was very nice.
It was still quite light when I got home and it was a pleasant surprise to discover it was ten to five. Lighter evenings are on their way!
Thanks Cycmon for your company and treating me to C&C.


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