Data 2017

For those who like statistics here is a summary of mine.

Miles ridden versus target.

My original target was 4,500 but when I was laid low for 3 months with a bad back I revised it to 3,500. Didn't quite make it.

Comparison of Annual Mileages.

Clearly 2016 was my best ever in modern times. I don't think I will ever do better now. It was certainly a very memorable year with completing the M2M and getting my picture on the front cover of Arrivee the magazine of Audax UK. However I think I did pretty well this year in 9 months of riding.
Cumulative mileages over the last ten years or so.
I was pleased to reach another target, 40,000 miles.
Annual Mileages with Bike Breakdown.
Sporty still holds the lead in total miles covered whilst my carbon bike Specialized Roubaix - Paris was the most used in 2017.

Breakdown of Mileages by Group.
I don't seem to have ridden much with the CTC this year. but the spread over the other groups is fairly even.
Details of Special Events/Holidays.

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