Data 2019.

I have had another excellent year covering a total of 4828 miles over 138 rides. My most rides ever in a year. I started with a target of 3,500 miles and quickly realised I could do more than that and upped it to 4.500 then towards the end of the year my ambition was to cover 100 miles a week and get to 5,200. However, this was not to be, as a tumble when walking kept me off the bike for several weeks and then restricted my miles for a while.

I definitely have been relying more on Txiki to enable me to enjoy rides with other stronger riders, but I have used my other bikes too. Here is the table of mileages covered on my bikes:

Analysis by type of ride.

Miles by year.

Motor Caravanning trips and one special event.

The analysis of the type of rides shows a marked difference from the average over the previous three years. I have ridden 12 % more in total. About 45% less with Winchester CTC, 46% more with the 
Alresford Groupetta, 50% more with the Pedallers, 50% more with Independent rides. HCMF rides and Tours almost the same. The rides with Alton CTC and The Last of The Summer Wine have been so few they are not relevant.

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