Thursday 18 February 2016

PinkPal Rides again!

Thursday 18th Feb 2016. An HCMF meet at The Sun Bentworth.

After a long spell of not cycling for a variety of reasons Pink Pal was able to join me for a good test of her fitness on a lovely sunny morning. We opted to go to the HCMF meet at the Sun. I chose a route there which I felt would not be too taxing, though we did climb to 674 feet near Lasham Airfield. The roads were quite busy but we had no major problems with traffic, most drivers being friendly. 
We were tempted briefly to stop at the GC but decided that as PP is working tonight that we  did not want to be late back and an early arrival at the pub would be better. The road into Shalden Village is extremely rough in a couple of places, so if you go that way take care. We were soon back across the A339 and had a little tester of a climb to the pub. Inside we found a good mixture of riders and soon joined them in the craic whilst tucking into our sandwiches . 
All too soon it was time to go once more, but not before signing a card for Jack's 80th birthday, (Welcome to the club Jack.), and admiring Richard's new Giant, Defy, Disc bike. Very smart!
The ride home was less than 10 miles for me, a shade further for PP so I was home before 2 p.m.
It had been a most enjoyable ride and lunch. I was very pleased for PP that she had managed it well after her long lay off. I am sure she will soon be showing us how to climb these Hampshire hills in her usual effective manner. 


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