Thursday 11 February 2016

HCMF Meet at The Milbury's

Thursday 11th Feb 2016. 

Groupetta pals otherwise engaged so at 11.15 I set off, alone,  to ride to the HCMF Meet. As this was only a few miles away I did a little circuit via Warnford to get there. The morning was cold after a heavy overnight frost but it was pleasantly warm in the sun. 
More spring flowers coming out now, celandines in a number of spots. saw a lovely Falcon, almost certainly a Kestrel.

At the pub I found David and Laurence sitting outside in the sun and a good number of other riders inside. I opted to sit outside at first and then when David and Laurence left I went in to chat with the others. It was great to see that Alan was in his cycling gear, making a good steady recovery after his scare last year. Most of the other regulars there, but none from North Hampshire or Fleet CTC.

John kindly gave me a donation for Forever Angels, having once again beaten me on mileage in the year (2015).  Thanks John!

Afterwards I rode home to enjoy a late lunch via Lane End Down and the fast descent to Cheriton on the A272. 

Another few miles logged. Little bites, but they all add up!

Note the much higher average speed after the pint compared to that before! 


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