Data 2018.

Another most satisfying year. I have ridden 4,342 miles at an average speed of about 11.5 mph. (My Strava record shows 4,354 miles but that includes some walking.)

As you can see I have been quite active having ridden some 128 times. The second highest number of rides in a year.

Here are my statistics. 

Miles Ridden over the last 12+  years.

2018 Analysis by type.

 My distribution of rides is well spread with HCMF being the clear leader both by frequency and miles. 

Analysis of  Tours & Events.

Analysis by Bike.

 My favourite bike for the year seems to be Paris. But Posh has been well used too and newcomer Txiki has also clocked up a good few miles in three months.

Miles by Year Comparison.

Weekly Miles comparison with Target.

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