Data 2020

 What a year it has been in 2020, first with the restrictions to our cycling activities and then with my crashing out not once but twice. I have not ridden a bike since October 11th, the day of my second tumble.

The main points to notice are:
  1. I managed only 2086 miles this year.
  1. 1312 of them were on my e-bike Txiki.
  1. My total miles since I first came back to serious riding in 2017 are 50215, so achieved the 50k I was aiming for.
  1. 68 out of 82 rides were either solo or with the Alresford Groupetta.
  1. I only rode with Winchester CTC once
  1. I rode with Alton CTC 4 times.

The other 4 were with Alton CTC.

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