Monday 29 February 2016

The Primrose Path Audax weekend.

Saturday 27th February. Visits to familiar places, Wells and Montacute.

I drove to Wells to for a nostalgic walk around. We lived here in the 1980s in this little cottage (the one with the pale blue door) in St. Thomas Street. 

It was a very happy time for us, when I was a rambler walking all around with my dog Fudge. 

We stayed briefly in The Swan Hotel when we were moving house.
Sarah was at uni' and worked in the King's Head in her holidays. Sadly the pub appeared to be shut so I could not visit it.

The little city was thriving with a market and thousands of folk thronging the streets. 
Fortunately I knew where I could park near the Methodist Church so did not have any bother with parking.

inspected the display in the market place of Mary Rand's Olympic long jump record before walking around the Bishop's Palace Moat. 

I wandered around the streets for a while before deciding to head off to Montacute for lunch at Montacute House the Elizabethan home of the Phelips family. 
I visited the house and enjoyed looking at an exhibition of samplers from the 16th and 17th centuries. Fantastic needle work which Jean would have enjoyed as she studied for City & Guilds in needlework herself and I remember her doing stump-work.

I stayed overnight in the Travel Lodge at Podimore where I relaxed watching the Six Nations rugby matches. 

For supper I had pancakes in the Little Chef next door. 

My room mate watching the rugby.

Sunday 28th Feb 2016. 

The Big Day. The very hilly Primrose Path Audax.

I was awake just before the alarm went off at 7.  Packed my bags and headed off to Corscombe where the event was starting. Arrived in plenty of time to have a light breakfast. I was very apprehensive about the amount of climbing and had taken the OS map of the area with me in case I needed to give up part way round. I was quite correct in thinking it would be tough. I recorded 9,826 feet climbed on my Garmin. The corrected data from Garmin gives 4,962, Ride with GPS 7,052 and Strava 5,169. All I can say it was the toughest ride I have ever undertaken in the last 8 years. I had to walk on 9 hills, some for only a short distance and on the later ones I would have ridden if I'd not been so tired. 
The roads varied from decent to terrible. I actually walked down two of the steep ones where the surface was extremely muddy and potholed. 
It seems The Council put up signs rather than filling the holes!
We started off with a loop to the North venturing into Somerset before returning to the other end of the village where after I'd walked up the 1 in 7 hill I checked into the first check point. The next few miles were much easier along the A358. There followed a lot of climbing and descents, some easy some hard. Fortunately there was little other traffic as most of these lanes were single track. 
A view from the top of one hill near North Poorton.

The views from some of the summits were beautiful and a reward for the climbs. Sadly some of the descents were too tricky to take at speed. But others were a joy allowing speeds of over 30 mph.

The climb from Powerstock was the hardest of the day climbing from 214 feet to nearly 800. It varied in steepness, so although I walked several times I also rode quite a lot of it too. Unfortunately the wind at the top was so strong that I was unable to remount for a while and had to walk as I was in danger of being blown off the very narrow road. This wind also made the next 4 miles very hard, along what should have been a gentle downhill I was pedalling to maintain even 12 mph. 

In Cattistock there was another check point. This one run in his house by a member. Serving hot soup, cakes, biscuits and tea. A lovely log fire tempting one to stay. I met up again with a couple who I'd been playing leapfrog with and continued to do so for most of the rest of the ride.  
Maybe I stayed too long. This was about half way. (Only half way?!!!).

There were lots more great views. I would like to have had time to take more pictures. Here is one of a ford near Cerne Abbas. I was too quick taking the picture, I meant to get the splash effect! I didn't even see the Giant. Not sure where he is in relation to the village. 

My leapfrog friends stopped in Cerne Abbas, at the next check point for another cup of tea allowing me to slip ahead for a bit.
The worst bit of A road was on the A352 from Glanvilles Wootton towards Minterne Magna. I managed to ride the hill but not he next one which took us up onto a ridge once more. Only ten miles to go now being made a little easier as for once the wind did not seem to be adverse, but it was an extremely cold wind and my neck and shoulders were beginning to ache with the cold.

In Evershot as I climbed out of the village I managed to unship my chain when changing onto my smallest chainwheel. That wasted a precious 5 mins for when I got to the Check in I discovered that I was ten minutes outside the time limit so will be recorded as a DFN (outside time limit). How sad after all that effort. However I know I had a great result.

At the end there was some food left. I shared great baked beans on toast, cakes and tea with my leap frog friends who had just made it within the time limit. Next I drove some 90 miles home to enjoy a relaxing hot bath and a celebratory G&T.
I do not have too many aches and pains this morning but I did not wake until 8.50 and cancelled my day at |Naomi House  as I still feel very tired.
I was glad I did it and almost made it in time. Will I do it again? NO!
I will choose a less hilly Audax for my next one.


Thursday 25 February 2016

"The Last of the Summer Wine"

After a couple of days working in the garden I got around to riding my bike once more. Today 25th February 2016 I joined a couple of mates for a ride to Jolly Olly's in Oakley.

I set off from home just before 9 o'clock and rode over to Barton Stacey where I met with my two pals. After a coffee and a chat we set off for Jolly Olly's taking the most usual route. It was a lovely day after the sharp overnight frost. (It was minus 4 deg C when I left home but by 10.30 it was more like plus 2 deg C).  
As we pottered along we enjoyed more chatting and I was reminded of the TV series "The Last of the Summer Wine".  For some strange reason It was suggested that I was like Howard! We named the other two as Cleggy and Truely and agreed another of our absent friends would be Foggy. (This will all be a bit of a challenge for those of you who have never seen the programme.)  I wonder if some of you might speculate on who is who?
We had a very nice light lunch at the Cafe. Afterwards I abandoned the other two to explore the roads to the east of Oakley.
After a quick circuit of part of the town I headed into Basingstoke and found my way up to Farleigh Wallop, my highest point for the day. The advantage of this was that it was nearly all downhill on my way home. 
Just before Axford the road was blocked by a large lorry unloading. As I waited in the queue the driver of one of the cars told me he thought I could sneak through. I thanked him and found he was correct, so sped on my way.

I stopped for a while in the churchyard at Preston Candover where this large tree had blown down. It was not surprising when one can see how small is the spread of the roots

As I sat enjoying the sunshine and a small snack a Red Kite flew over.

Lovely flowers here too. 

Climbing the hill from Swaratton I spotted this large flock of gulls following the tractor tilling the field.

Eventually I was home about 3.30 after a great fun day out and I was pleasantly surprised to find I had clocked over 50 miles.

Howard (AKA Gridironman).

Sunday 21 February 2016

Trespassing ?

Sunday 21st February 2016. Another Audax length Ride.

I had opted not to ride yesterday anticipating better weather today. My choice was a good one as the weather was much nicer.
None of the other Alresford Groupetta riders were able to join me so once again I could please myself as to where I went. I decided to do the circuit to the north of Basingstoke, but this time in a clockwise direction as previous rides all seem to have gone the other way. Apart from a little very light drizzle it was fine and much warmer than of late. I paused to get a drink at the One Stop Shop in Oakley for once eschewing a visit to Jolly Olly's before crossing the Whitchurch to Basingstoke road. The roads were very wet and muddy in many places, also lots of loose grit which had washed out of neighbouring field gateways and ditches.
Everywhere there were lots of snowdrops, in the Candover Valley especially so. Lots of daffodils too, some times with the snowdrops. 

Snowdrops everywhere in the hedges and on the verges in the Candover Valley.

Not many birds about, no doubt the strong winds making them keep to the more sheltered habitats. I did see a few Pied Wagtails in one village.
I had to use the A339 for about half a mile causing some clown in a Chelsea tractor to hoot indignantly when I dared to use the road. There was so little space that a twelve wheeler just behind him had room to pass without any fuss. Next a very strange incident. As I waited to turn right I took my place in the centre of the road having signalled very clearly before and as I did so, I slowed up as there were three cars coming from the opposite direction, anticipating turning as soon as they had passed. The first car stopped to let me turn in front and the driver of the car behind pulled out to pass before he realised that the road was not clear. I dived into the side road and disappeared quickly as there was a lot of arm waving! Of course the first car should not have stopped in the circumstances.
I passed a number of signposts indicating the proximity of Baughurst and Pamber End and I did wonder if I might see either Richard or David. 

The Fox & Goose.

I was making such good time that I did not stop for a beer until I got to the Fox & Goose in Greywell.
It was so hot in the pub and so busy that I sat in the garden and ate my own food. As you will see from my splits I had managed a moving speed of almost 13 mph thus far. Of course the return home from there was much more hilly and was into the wind so my average speed for the return leg was only 11 mph.
As I rode from Greywell to Upton Grey I was struggling as the wind was so strong and although the sun was shining brightly there was drizzle from low cloud underneath the sun. 
Once I got to Herriard I chose not to go back via the Candover Valley but instead go via Medstead. Stopping briefly for a break and more food on a bench outside the village church in Lasham.
In Ropley a car started to pull out of a side road in front of me, but we both stopped in time before we collided. A close shave indeed.
I was home well before my target time of 5 p.m. Here are my full details for the day:-

I have had another good week riding, winning both the TUK medal and the KOM badge.  
It is good to see that PinkPal has broken her duck for 2016, Paddy & Mark (?)  still to do so.


Thursday 18 February 2016

PinkPal Rides again!

Thursday 18th Feb 2016. An HCMF meet at The Sun Bentworth.

After a long spell of not cycling for a variety of reasons Pink Pal was able to join me for a good test of her fitness on a lovely sunny morning. We opted to go to the HCMF meet at the Sun. I chose a route there which I felt would not be too taxing, though we did climb to 674 feet near Lasham Airfield. The roads were quite busy but we had no major problems with traffic, most drivers being friendly. 
We were tempted briefly to stop at the GC but decided that as PP is working tonight that we  did not want to be late back and an early arrival at the pub would be better. The road into Shalden Village is extremely rough in a couple of places, so if you go that way take care. We were soon back across the A339 and had a little tester of a climb to the pub. Inside we found a good mixture of riders and soon joined them in the craic whilst tucking into our sandwiches . 
All too soon it was time to go once more, but not before signing a card for Jack's 80th birthday, (Welcome to the club Jack.), and admiring Richard's new Giant, Defy, Disc bike. Very smart!
The ride home was less than 10 miles for me, a shade further for PP so I was home before 2 p.m.
It had been a most enjoyable ride and lunch. I was very pleased for PP that she had managed it well after her long lay off. I am sure she will soon be showing us how to climb these Hampshire hills in her usual effective manner. 


Tuesday 16 February 2016

Swanmore for C&C.

Tuesday 16th February 2016.

Barnaby's Coffee Shop.
I started the day not feeling too great, having been woken early by a horrible nightmare. I had an appointment with my doctor anyway for a routine treatment so he was able to reassure me that my health is fine. Did a little light shopping for fruit and veg & crushed chilies and then went out in the garden in the fresh air to do a few chores. Had some lunch and received lovely messages from my Groupetta Friends.

St. Barnabas Church.
I Felt really perked up so decided to get Posh out and take him for a spin. My first thought was to go as far as the Milbury's and back. However, as so often happens with me I ventured a bit further and ended up in Swanmore. I had remembered noticing a Coffee Shop sign here last time I rode by with Simon and Andrew so thought I'd give it a try. It is in the complex of St. Barnabas Church. The coffee was excellent and the lemon cake I had was fine too. £3.30 for both so a fair price. 
Time to plan a return route now, so I headed into the Meon Valley and aimed for Exton and The White Way, being determined to have a crack at beating my PB. I did it!  My time was 1 sec less than 10 mins for the 0.9 of a mile. Average speed 5.8 m.p.h. It is of course all relative. My position on Strava for that segment is 2770/3053.

Once over the top at 619 feet I bombed down the lane from near The Milbury's to Kilmeston. Top speed 31.6 mph. This was also a PB of 4 mins 11 secs for the 1.3 miles, average speed 19.8 mph.

Still ice in the lane up to Tichborne even at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. 

Here are my map and other Garmin details:

Once again an enjoyable afternoon out on the bike.


Sunday 14 February 2016

Odiham & Back the Long Way.

Sunday 14th Feb 2016. It was "Be Nice to Bryce Day"

The omens were good when as I started out a large 12 wheeler truck past me along the Avenue crossing onto the far side of the road to pass. All day cars meeting me on the road were very polite often stopping completely and not once on the narrow lanes did an overtaking vehicle push past, they all waited until they were waved by. Fantastic!
I had been unable to persuade anyone else from the Groupetta to join me, all too busy with their Valentines I guess. So I rode alone at my own pace following my nose as I had no clear idea as to where I was going. I love this kind of ride when I make up my mind at the last minute as I approach a junction as to which way I will go.
I found myself climbing through Ellisfield Village once more picking my way as there was lots of grit on this road again. I shouted warnings to many of the cyclists whizzing down the hill. One I recognized. It was my friend Ray who I had not seen for ages. A very pleasant meeting, we stopped and chatted for about five minutes before continuing our merry ways. I passed through Herriard and Upton Grey and decided I would stop in Odiham to call on another friend, Dave, unfortunately he was not at home. So I needed to revise my plans. It was too early to stop for lunch so I carried on towards Farnham along the very busy A287. I left this to ride through Crondall as I didn't want to go into Farnham. When I got to Bentley it was the perfect time for lunch. About one o'clock.
I went into the Star which was extremely busy. Lots of families enjoying lunch. Despite this I was well looked after. There was no table available for a single cyclist but I was invited to sit at the bar. I ordered a toasted Panini and it arrived in a very short time. It was just what I needed, along with a pint of Moondance, a local ale, it set me up for the afternoon. I chatted to several other groups of folk. One with a walker from Farnham who told me he was also a cyclist helping with the Sky Rides in Farnham. Another guy tried to guess my age having already discovered I had already ridden 28 miles, he was 9 years out! He was from South Warnborough. He told his kids that I had ridden my bike to the pub. They said so what! I just loved their innocence.

Here is my map and data for the day from which you will be able to see I did not take the shortest route home.

I  decided to head towards Binsted and before I knew it I was through the village and heading south towards Kingsley and Blackmore. On impulse I headed for Liss and Petersfield making use of the cycle path along the A3. 
I stopped for a coffee at The Cloisters Cafe, one of our favourite stops. They had stopped serving food, so no cake. 
I could not face the climb of Stoner Hill, preferring several smaller climbs through Stroud, Ramsdean and the Meons.

A Hill to Climb. Nah! Not today me thinks.

Once over the hill from West Meon I chose to tackle the last few miles via Cheriton and the familiar lane via Tichborne. Pausing to look at the Itchen where these swans and ducks were feeding.

I completed my day just before five o'clock. These lighter evenings relieving the pressure somewhat.

It had been a fantastic day, lots of hard work but very satisfying.
I have managed to win the TUK medal again with about 107 miles in the week. the only other contender being Andrew who as far as I know managed about 47 miles. 


Thursday 11 February 2016

HCMF Meet at The Milbury's

Thursday 11th Feb 2016. 

Groupetta pals otherwise engaged so at 11.15 I set off, alone,  to ride to the HCMF Meet. As this was only a few miles away I did a little circuit via Warnford to get there. The morning was cold after a heavy overnight frost but it was pleasantly warm in the sun. 
More spring flowers coming out now, celandines in a number of spots. saw a lovely Falcon, almost certainly a Kestrel.

At the pub I found David and Laurence sitting outside in the sun and a good number of other riders inside. I opted to sit outside at first and then when David and Laurence left I went in to chat with the others. It was great to see that Alan was in his cycling gear, making a good steady recovery after his scare last year. Most of the other regulars there, but none from North Hampshire or Fleet CTC.

John kindly gave me a donation for Forever Angels, having once again beaten me on mileage in the year (2015).  Thanks John!

Afterwards I rode home to enjoy a late lunch via Lane End Down and the fast descent to Cheriton on the A272. 

Another few miles logged. Little bites, but they all add up!

Note the much higher average speed after the pint compared to that before! 


Tuesday 9 February 2016

Shopping with Andrew.

Tuesday 9th February 2016. A gentle ride to pick up a few essentials.

There was some discussion among four of the Groupetta to ride at ten o'clock. But in the end only two of us managed to get out at 2 p.m. instead. 
Andrew and I agreed to do a short trip to enable him to pick up a few essential bits and pieces. We met at the builders merchants in the centre of Alresford and rode via Armsworth Hill and Hattingley to Medstead. Here we dived into the Aladdin's Cave that passes itself off as Medstead Hardware. Andrew emerged after about ten minutes with several essentials! Next we headed for Owen's Cycles for more stuff. Owen was in good form and managed to find several things that were needed by Andrew. I kept my wallet in my pocket this time. I told him I had offered Milo to my brother and then he came outside to see Posh and said he could see why I might find Posh to be more comfortable with the Zertz inserts in the forks both back and front.
Shopping done we were lured inside the cafe next door for C&C. Thanks Andrew for treating me. 
We had only done 10 miles so far, so instead of riding directly home, we took a weaving route around some lanes but even then we still didn't quite manage 22 overall. Because of the state of the lanes after the recent heavy rain we were unable to keep up a good pace, but it was still better than riding in the heavier traffic on the larger roads.
I was home just before 5. 
It was a particularly pleasing ride for me as earlier today I had felt distinctly under the weather, waking early (5.30 a.m.) feeling cold and  being unable to warm up. I thought I had picked up a cold or something. The ride has really perked me up.
Thanks Andrew for chivying me along.


Sunday 7 February 2016

A Trio from The Alresford Groupetta Go Forth.

February 7th 2016. "Three Must Get Beers" Enjoy a Day Out.

With bad weather yesterday and two international rugby matches to watch we decided to postpone our ride until Sunday. (Sorry Steve, who was leading the Winchester CTC ride on Saturday).

We left Alresford just after 10.30 a.m. in lovely sunshine. there was a strong SW breeze which we had to work against for the first 10 miles, for even when it was not in our faces it was making us weave around as we rode past gaps in the sheltering hedges.

It was too early to stop for coffee in Bishops Waltham, so we continued to Wickham. Arriving at Lilly's Tea & Coffee shop at the same time as another group of six cyclists. We managed to bag a couple of chairs outside in the sun and another cyclist from Fareham who had been enjoying a pot of tea when we arrived left so we all had a seat.

Afterwards I led the lads towards Boarhunt and then turned up Hundred Acres Road, through The Forest of Bere to head back towards The Izaak Walton, East Meon, which was our chosen lunch venue. We had a steady climb of over 550 feet, past Wallops Wood Brewery, to the top of the ridge near Old Winchester Hill. This did mean we then could enjoy the descent into East Meon from the site of the once HMS Mercury.

We had excellent beer and lunch at the pub. Mine was Sunday Roast, Lamb with roast spuds, Yorkshire pud and very good vegetables. Good value for £7.95.

A|fterwards as Cycmon and I rode away we heard a shout of dismay from Andrew. He had a flat front tyre. The weather had turned colder now as the sun had been hidden behind dark clouds and so I cowered in the porch while the other two brave lads replaced the tube. (Cause: A Hampshire flint. An almost new tyre too! What bad luck.)

It was nearly 3 o'clock by now so we we were glad to make good time and get home around 4 o'clock just as the rain began exactly as forecast.

Our route home was the easiest (?) way over the ridge past Brockwood park and across the A272 to Woodlands and then via Bramdean Common and Old Park Lane. The other two chose to go over White Hill whilst I entered the town along the main road.

Here are my Data and Map for the day:-

Don't forget if you click on the map you can see it fullscreen.

Today the map and details have been taken from "Ride with GPS" as although I have uploaded my route to Garmin I can't get into their site as it is "under maintenance|". Don't Garmin know that everyone rides on a Sunday and want to record their rides during Sunday evening.

A late photograph of one unusual bike seen on the Audax last weekend.



Friday 5 February 2016

To Nosh for C&C.

Tuesday 2 Feb 2016. Coffee & Cake with Cycmon

After my Audax of Sunday last I wanted to give my legs a test. Agreed with Cycmon to go for a gentle afternoon ride as we were both busy in the morning. Our route was a familiar one of about 30 miles with the opportunity of refreshments at several locations. In the end we chose Nosh. 
I struggled a bit over the first 3 miles, my legs complaining they'd not recovered from the WWW. However by the time we got to Brown Candover they were responding much better. I did however chose the easiest climb to Herriard. Thankfully the debris field in Ellisfield has been (almost) totally removed.
As we were passing the school in Bentworth we were witness to a super slow mo accident when a lady parking her car failed to apply her hand brake and her car rolled into the back of another. Horrible scrunching noise, but on inspection there appeared to be little damage to either car. 
At Nosh there was little choice of cake, perhaps we should go to the Tree House Cafe next time, they usually have a good selection. However the Pear and Ginger cake we had was very nice.
It was still quite light when I got home and it was a pleasant surprise to discover it was ten to five. Lighter evenings are on their way!
Thanks Cycmon for your company and treating me to C&C.


Monday 1 February 2016

Drizzle fails to make me mizzy.

Sunday 31st Jan 2016. Windrush Winter Warmer, an Audax.

I was up at six to drive to Ashton Keynes for a 9 a.m. start. I had entered some time ago for my first Audax this year. I wanted to ride somewhere fresh so had chosen this event as it started near my brother's home on the borders of Wiltshire and Gloucestershire. I was a little concerned about the weather forecast, but decided that it would be a bit damp with some strong breezes but felt I could cope with that. In fact the weather forecast was spot on with light rain (i.e. drizzle for about 35 of the 68 miles and a strong headwind over the last 18 miles). 

The saving grace was the first 30 miles were remarkable flat hence the good speed achieved.  I was one of the first away from the start and started counting the riders overtaking me. I gave up when I got to 100.  There were quite a few punctures, so many of the riders who passed me earlier were still out on the road when I finished. One of my favourite ploys to keep up a good pace without doing too much is to latch on the the back of a group and tuck in behind for a mile or two but hen ease off and wait for the next bunch. 
There was great camaraderie with many shouted greetings and words of encouragement and some waspish barbs too. 

A surprisingly clean Posh.

At both controle stops I had some good chats with others and was very chuffed when one guy told me how much he liked Posh. He thought it was a lovely bike and very clean considering the very muddy roads. Posh did look fairly tidy even after the 68 miles. Click on the picture to enlarge it and see what you think!

The Crud Catcher.

I kept reasonably clean too thanks partly to the Crud Catcher I fitted recently. My legs were the dirtiest part of me. Since getting home I have washed everything including my hat and gloves.

On one stretch where there were not many other riders around I spotted one in a blue jacket about 300 yards ahead of me and decided my task was to catch up. It took me the best part of 4 miles to do so.

There were some lovely spring flowers around, especially snowdrops and daffodils, also aconites.

Along the Windrush Valley there was a lot of flooding, some on the road. Also our arch enemy Mr Hedge Slasher had been at work so I was on tenterhooks, fearing a puncture, but I got through unscathed. Others were less fortunate.

Flooding near Burford. Can you spot the cyclists on the road in the distance?

I completed the course in an overall time of 6 hours 22 minutes, So I was well pleased with that as it is well within the Audax guidelines.

It was only three miles to my brother Robin's house so by 4 o'clock I had driven there and had a shower. Robin also had delayed their roast chicken lunch so I could share it with them. So we had high tea before I left at about 6.15. Thanks Robin!

We reminisced about our cycling together some 64 years ago along the same roads through Minster Lovell and Burford. I have not cycled on them since.

A great day, despite the weather.
