Tuesday 8 March 2016

Winchester CTC Ride to St Mary Bourne

Tuesday 8 March 2016.

I did not wake until 7.56 so I had to get my skates on to ride into Winchester to join the CTC ride. I just made it in time to join a very good size group. There were 14 of us from the start and we were then joined at Crawley Pond by another.
There was a little rain in the air at first but then it brightened up for a while. To get to Stockbridge from Kings Somborne we had to climb our only steep hill of the day. We all made it! I was the designated sweeper so I waited at the top of the hill for the last rider. (I was only just in front!). This route is very quiet and runs along the wooded valley to the edge of the town so it is very pleasant. I heard a spotted woodpecker a couple of times. 

The Farm Shop.
We turned north along the Test Valley and climbed from Longstock to the Waitrose Coffee/Farm Shop for refreshment break.
It was nice to find another of our members here waiting to join us for a short way along the Test Valley. 
Soon after coffee three others needed to leave us to return to Winchester because of other demands on their time, so they left us just after Wherwell.

At the Bourne Valley Inn we found the prices to be on the high side, so many of us opted for items from the starter's menu. I had soup, it was nice enough but only a small cup 3/4 full with a slice of toast, not in my opinion good value for about a fiver. 
We should have gone to The George. See their menu:


My route for the day. Click on it to see full screen.

However we did enjoy a nice social chat. I had not met several of the riders before so it was nice to make new friendships as well as renewing old ones.
After lunch most of the group seemed to be intent on getting up steam to keep warm and to get back to Winchester as soon as possible. However Linda was finding it tough and as I shepherded her along I was conscious that the others were long gone. We did briefly see Martyn, our leader just after Barton Stacey before I decided to take the less hilly way to Stoke Charity via Sutton Scotney. In the former Linda said she could manage the last few miles through Kings Worthy so I left her to ride it alone. 
I continued eastwards  through Micheldever and East Stratton.
I arrived home at 4.15 and was soon enjoying a shower followed by a cup of tea and a tasty piece of cake.

A good day out with friends old and new. Hope the next ride is a bit warmer though.


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