What a mixture of weather and rides this week.
1. Tuesday, 7th November.
A good day out with the "Pedallers".
Despite the weather forecast I decided to join the Pedallers on a ride starting from Old Basing. I had studied the detail of the forecast and watched the rain radar and decided that the heavy rain would not arrive until mid afternoon. Fortunately my conclusion proved to be largely correct. Eleven of us set off with Dave leading us. He followed a route we had ridden before, heading into Berkshire.
For the first ten miles the roads were dry and we had a few spots of rain at times but we were quite dry by the time we got to our lunch break at the Hillier's Garden Centre at Hermitage. I had managed to keep up with the others for most of the time, but had to walk one steep pitch after we crossed the Kennet valley.
I tucked into a plate of delicious ham eggs and chips to fuel up for the return trip while the others enjoyed a range of other delicacies.
We left the GC and shortly afterwards it started to rain on and off for most of the way back but it was not enough to spoil the day. One more climb, as we left Bucklebury, defeated me and I had another stroll(?). Several times when the group paused to regroup I sailed past and let them chase me. Saves them having to wait more often! (They are very patient and kind).
As we left Old Basing the rain was much heavier and there was a lot of surface water, how lucky we had been with our timing!
Thanks guys for sharing a good day out.
2.Wednesday 8th November.
A lovely day for a ride with "LoTSW".
Ian and I met with Alex at his home where we had a coffee while Alex outlined the planned route.
As we started up the hill towards Oliver's Battery I had a issue with one of my toe clips and Alex helped me sort the problem. Our main objective for the day was a visit to see the restored memorial in the churchyard of St. Margaret's Wellow. (The original was badly damaged by a falling tree about 4 years ago.)
Despite riding Posh with a lowest gear of 26" I had to walk again on the Hill up to Merdon Castle. Well it is quite steep near the top (10+%) and my legs were tired from yesterday.) At the next junction eager beaver Gridironman went the wrong way and had to retrace the way for a couple of hundred yards. Alex took us up another hill towards Farley Church. I puffed and panted my way up this one! (Only 8.5%).
I thought these LoTSW rides were supposed to be for folk who find the Pedallers' rides too tough!
At Poppies we stopped for a coffee and cake with David who had come there by car on his way home from Bournemouth. We continued to Dandy's Ford where we had lunch. I chose a toasted sandwhich with salad rather than a baked spud, remembering how it once took them over an hour to produce one for me on a former occasion. It was so warm that we sat outside in the sunshine to eat our lunch in beautiful lakeside surroundings.
On to St. Margaret's for our cultural break before we set off back to Winchester with an alternative route to Braishfield and then a return back over Merdon Hill and up Port Lane for more refreshments at Badger's Bottom.
3. Thursday 9th Novemeber.
Joined with Simon for a ride to
The Half Moon & Spreadeagle Micheldever.
Simon took me a slightly longer than direct way there and also on the way back. At the top of the hill from Totford we were joined by Steve who had come the long way from his home via Alresford.
We had a good lunch together and we were joined by Ann and Derek. It was good to get to know them a little better and exchange tales of daring do by bike! There were a good number of other members on two other tables nearby, mainly consisting of the most regular of members. It think it is disappointing that there appears to be almost no one joining the Meets these days from either Alton of Winchester. Fleet riders generally have their own rides on Thursdays so only join in one week in four.
4. Groupetta Coffee & Cake at Selborne.
Cycmon and I had arranged to meet at 10. When my alarm woke me at 8 my back was aching. Took a couple of pills and had breakfast and by 9 I was feeling up to it. Cycmon suggested we head towards Selborne so our first task was to climb Whitehill Lane, not difficult, but always a tester when one has not warmed up.
As we rode through Ropley we saw a group of people waiting outside the village hall. Presumably they were waiting to join the Armistice Sunday service there as the Church is still under repair.
Shortly afterwards we heard a sharp crack. Cycmon had broken a spoke. Not a great surprise as he had been working on the wheel and spokes and this was a trial run. We had the wind behind us so we made good progress to Selborne.
Simon paused to check the wheel again and then we had C & C at The Selborne Tea Room. Very good, also very enjoyable chat with a 94 year old gentleman and the lady proprietor.
The road to Alton was extremely busy both ways and the very strong NW wind made it hard work as the road is very open a lot of the way. From Alton we chose to ride home via Theddon, Wivelrod and Medstead. A short but sharp hill up to Theddon, together with a head wind, defeated me and I had to walk a couple of hundred yards.
The wind at 700 feet was much stronger than it had been lower down and we were glad to drop down into the more sheltered lanes to Bighton. Cycmon left me to go home via Jacklyn's Lane. I was home by 1.15 p.m. after another good ride.
Thanks Cycmon for your company and treating me to C & C.
Ten of the most enjoyable years with hundreds of new friends. |
Thanks to all my friends both near and far for helping making it all such fun.