Saturday 16 December 2017

Mixed Weather Riding.

It has been a week of variable weather but I have managed to get in two very enjoyable rides after we had called off the Pedallers ride on Tuesday due to icy conditions.

The First on Thursday 14th December. 

Rode to Braishfield to join the HCMF.

The Second on Saturday 16th December.
Rode Solo to the Golden Glider for Lunch.

It has been a week of very mixed weather which has caused revision of plans almost daily, but in the end I have greatly enjoyed being out on my bike. There has been quite a lot of bird activity with regular sightings of robins, blackbirds, rooks, jackdaws, pheasants, a few partridge, surprisingly few pigeons and starlings, (have they gone to overwinter in towns?). Only one red kite. A couple of squirrels but no deer. There have been some intersting cloud formations but the surprise of all came today when several times I  saw rainbows; caused probably not by rain but the sun being low and shining through very thin cloud.

Arc en Ciel near Preston Candover.
I hope to get a couple more rides before Christmas but to all my readers here is my special Christmas Greeting. Beautifully stitched by my cycling friend PinkPal.

I will not be riding tomorrow as I have two of my best friends coming for lunch.

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