Sunday 3 December 2017

Into Winter with Sunshine, Shivers & a Shower

I seem to be getting fitter gradually and am managing longer rides without getting too tired, even on the hills I am improving but still manage to be last up most of them! I even manged to clock up several personal bests on Strava. I was very pleased with this one, over 4 mins quicker on the climb from Froyle on Saturday afternoon:

Tuesday 28th November 2017.
Pedallers ride from Crawley Pond to
 Leckford Estate Farm Shop.

I love riding with the Pedallers partly because a small compact group is more to my taste than a large group. I am a little more wobbly at slow speed and with getting off and on my bike and find it easier in a small group. 
I think my back problems began during my tour in Holland earlier this year when I managed to tumble a couple of times due to congestion. Our ride on Tuesday was quite undulating so was quite testing for me but with the friendship of the others was very enjoyable.

Thursday 30th November 2017.
HCMF Meet at the Selborne Arms.

Saturday 2nd December 2017.
Groupetta ride with Alton CTC to Odiham

Sunday 3rd December 2017.
To the Flowerpots & Back.

I was disappointed when I got home on Saturday to discover that I was still short of the "Ton", so decided a little ride to my favourite local to get me over the mark. It was much warmer than yesterday but very grey and dull, but nevertheless I enjoyed my short ride through Tichborne which is always a pleasure. Many of the trees making stark images against the grey sky. I have broken my camera so have not taken many pics lately. I'm not very good at using my camera phone. 

Altogether another enjoyable week, though I did prefer the temperature today riding in my "civvies". The barmaid at the Pots thought I'd not cycled. 

I think I have done enough to retain the TUK Medal.



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