Sunday 16 August 2020


After a very hot day on Tuesday, the weather broke bringing lots of loose gravel and mud onto the roads making it hazardous riding on Thursday. Later in the week, I was distracted from cycling by trying to keep my garden under control and because I was taking delivery of a "new" car.

MaxZe, my new toy.
MaxZe, My new toy.

 I have yet to determine how well my bikes will fit inside it. I have measured the available space before buying it and am hopeful that there will be no problems. The rear seats can be folded in two ways or completely removed. I need some nice weather before starting to fiddle about checking what option is best. Just as I started today it began raining so I gave up.

Before all that excitement I did enjoy a ride on the rather warm day on Tuesday. Here are the data:-

Today Sunday 16th August I had a ride with my friend paddy. Details as follows:-

Best wishes to you all in this difficult time, take care,


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