Sunday 30 August 2020

Alresford Groupetta is revived.

Several of my local friends have been getting back on their bikes once more, so I thought it would be a good idea to revive this local group. The object is to ride together on an informal basis. Obviously, at present we are restricted to a group of 6.  

Our policy is to keep the rides at a level that all can enjoy and not feel having to "keep up". If you wish to join the group please let us by email to me at

Here is the link to our FB page.

My garden is still open to visitors as café à vélos no: 5 so on occasion that might be linked to a Groupetta ride.

On Thursday 27th August I was unable to get anyone to join me for a quick ride before that very heavy rain set in. Here is my report:- 

On Saturday I made a last-minute decision to ride to West Meon to meet the Alton Cycling UK group.

Sunday 30th August the revived Alresford Groupetta of six riders enjoyed our first ride since lockdown.

The weather has been a very variable over the week so I was pleased to be able to manage to have 3 rides totalling 66.9 miles.


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