Sunday, 2 August 2020

Recovery Rides.

Following my first trial ride on Tuesday 28th, I have managed another four rides. They have all been fairly short and I have chosen routes where I felt I could manage to climb the gentle slopes without getting too much out of puff!

I have been very pleased with how well I have managed. In fact I think the activity has actually helped the healing process. I had a telephone consultation with a therapist last Monday and have a follow-up tomorrow. She encouraged me to start riding again provided it didn't cause either of my hands any distress.

It has been great to get mobile once more, enjoying the countryside. The flower of the week award is shared by Great Willowherb, Purple Loosestrife and Meadow Sweet.

Purple Loosestrife.

Great Willowherb.


To complete an excellent week of recovery I enjoyed a visit at "Café à vélos n°5" by Jo Halford. It was good to see her and hear her news.

Image may contain: 2 people, including Bryce Mansfield, people sitting and outdoor

Best wishes to you all, Gridironman.

1 comment:

  1. Such great news. So glad you are enjoying life on two wheels! 🚲
