Sunday 1 December 2019

Face Plant & all that!

For those of you who haven't seen the news on FaceBook the reason I've not been active on my blog since 10th November is that on the 11th I tripped and fell flat on my face when walking up a neighbours path. The damage to my face was quite painful and I also knocked my knee badly. However, my "good looks" are almost back to normal whilst my knee is only slowly doing so.

It looked even more colourful the next day!
Fortunately I was able to get home with the help of my friend who brought me home in her car (100yds or so). She made me a cuppa and came back later to check I was OK. Thanks Angie.

On Thursday I drove for the first time since my tumble and took part in the HCMF Festive Lunch at the Cart & Horses. Kings Worthy. A most enjoyable day with 25 or so friends.

Then on Friday I tried a small bike ride. To the library just to check if I could still ride. My biggest problem was getting on and off the bike and getting started after temporary stops in traffic but on the whole it went well.

Today, I decided to try a little longer ride but avoided any hills. What better way to do this than to pop to the "Flower Pots".

Once more things have gone well but I am very careful not to overdo it. 

A big thanks to my many friends & family who have been so supportive and kept me from going stir-crazy when I could only hobble around at home. 

Looking forward to adding to my mileage for 2019, even though I will not be expecting to reach my target of 5,200 miles.


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