Sunday 8 December 2019

On the road to recovery.

Saturday 7th December 2019.

As my knee is much better I decided to test myself with a ride with Winchester CTC. I planned to ride into Winchester, with the option that I could, if necessary, abort at Kings Worthy and leave my bike there at my daughter's home. All went well and I made the rendezvous in good time to join Kate and six others. The ride was an easy one, with the help of E-power I lead the way a lot of the time. Our coffee stop was at The Village Cafe, Micheldever Station. Here we were joined by Ian and after our stop Clive and John left us. As we neared Alresford I was beginning to think I'd had enough and left the group to return home. No ill effects from the ride, after a warm bath and a pizza for lunch I was fully fit and ready to watch the UK Championship Snooker semi-finals.

I was very happy with my progress but I was glad of the help from the E-power as it kept any stress to the knee at a low level for even after just four weeks since my tumble my fitness was noticeably low. 

Sadly, I think I still need to take it easy a little longer and skip the Pedallers ride & lunch on Tuesday. 

On Thursday the HCMF meet is at The Brushmakers, Upham, so I think I will be OK for that.

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