Sunday 29 December 2019

Festive Season Rides

Tuesday 24th December 2019.
Christmas Eve.

With none of the Pedallers being available to ride I decided to join the Winchester CTC's Tuesday ride led by Ian.

Friday December 27th 2019.

Paddy and I went for an easy ride to work of a few of the excess Christmas calories. We needed to get back before 2 p.m. so we shortened our planned route accordingly. Our first and second choice of cafe were both closed so we went into the Anvil which was pleasantly quiet with just a few other customers.  Unusual nice cakes too. We were amused when the young lady serving us checked whether we were clean to avoid dirtying the carpets and furniture. We passed muster! We made it home in plenty of time.

 Sunday 29th December 2019.

Once again I was without riding pals so I set off without any clear destination, other than to go North. When I got to Dummer I decided to cut across to the B3046 and descend to the outskirts of Basingstoke and then head for Conkers. Exciting descent into Cliddesden topping 41 mph. Apart from getting lost on a cycle path through an estate near to the A30 I was soon at Conkers where I enjoyed a nice break before resuming my ride suitably fortified with Sussex Fruit Cake and a large coffee. Plenty of other cyclists about in groups both family and club, some on road bikes others on hybrids or mountain bikes. A fair size group from Alton, but no one I recognised.

Pleased that I have been able to top the "Ton" once more with a total of 116 Miles for the week. All of it on Txiki. The E-power has certainly helped me to keep going. My knee is back to normal aches & pains!

Still time for more rides in 2019, maybe with the Pedallers on Tuesday. 


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