Sunday 7 October 2018

Great Autumn Rides.

Tuesday 2nd October 2018.

A comparatively easy ride with 7 other Pedallers. A visit to the seaside.

Calshot Castle.

Thursday 4th October.

Sunday 7th October.

An excellent week for cycling for me with enough sunny days to be able to choose
I am seriously considering getting an E-bike to enable me to keep up with my faster chums. I will keep my other bikes if I do so I can ride those too when riding on my own or with slower groups. I don't want to be dependant on electric power.  I have had lots of advice, some of it conflicting! I'm off to test a couple of options this week. However, I have already fallen in love with this one:

Maybe it will disappoint. 
Paris is not in favour as he is feeling he might be made redundant.

Cheers, have a good week.


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