Sunday 30 September 2018

September goes out with a flurry!

A mixed week of emotions. On Tuesday 25th I had a health scare, had chest pains in the night and again when I woke at 7.a.m. so phoned the surgery. They fitted me in for an immediate ECG and check-up by a doctor. Turned out to be nothing serious, but I was told I had done the right thing in seeking medical help. 
I had originally planned to ride with the LoTSW group but it was too late to do that so after lunch and a short siesta I did my own thing, a tea ride to Medstead/Four Marks.

I sat in the sunshine outside Nosh and had an interesting chat with a young lady motorcyclist. We compared steeds and talked about other bikes we had ridden. Maybe instead of an E-Bike I should go back to Motorcycling? 
The best thing about the ride was that I had no chest pains even when setting a couple of new PBs.

Thursday 27th September.

Saturday 29th September. 

Another beautiful autumn day:

Sunday 30th September.

Hope that October is as good for cycling as September has been.

Happy riding to all my readers.


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