Sunday 21 October 2018

Txiki brings a new dimension to my rides.

Another chapter in my cycling experiences. With my new E-Bike Txiki (Cheeky) bringing a new form to my favourite sport. I had two rides on him and one on Paris too. That was to show I can still hack it on a good road bike.

Tuesday 16th October.

Thursday 18th October.


Ian pretending he has led Caroline all the way up the hill.

A determined Caroline carrying Ian's luggage!

Simon in Period Clothing on his
Raleigh Record Ace in Original Paint.

Saturday 20th October.

Autumn Light & Shade.

Jackie sets off in pursuit of Anne
who has zoomed off on her E-Bike.

It has been a really interesting experience riding Txiki and I am very pleased with how well it has worked out. I have had the extra power there when needed to keep up with the faster folk and on the steep hills. Also, I have been quite comfortable riding with no assistance when on easier rides. With economical use, I can certainly have enough battery life for any of my normal length outings. The battery takes about 2 hours to recharge from 50%.

The weather has been very kind with plenty of autumn sunshine to bring out the best of colours in the countryside. Looks like it might go colder this week but with some fine weather too.


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