Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Rocket Fuelled Gridironman.

I had a great ride today Tuesday 28th March 2017 with six of my Pedaller friends. I set out to lead the group to Petersfield for our coffee break. Apparently I set a fast pace as I was told by PinkPal at one point that she were going to let my tyres down to slow me up. 
Picture taken today, March 28th 2017.

I was forgiven when we got to the top of Stoner Hill to enjoy a fast descent into Petersfield. I stopped to take a snap of the view to the east across the valley towards Rake.

Picture taken from the same spot May 17th 2015.

When we reached the town centre there was some discussion on which of the many cafes we should patronise before we decided on Heidi's. A good choice as they had a good selection of cakes and other delicacies.

I spotted a artist painting a picture of the statue of William III in the square and had a pleasant chat with him and a young lady artist who was also interested in his efforts. 

Our route home was via the Meon Valley and we sped along the A32 for a short way before climbing Wheely Down. (The second time for me this week). Unfortunately Alan had a puncture at the foot of the climb. He had three ladies for company while he fixed it as the other three men of the group waited at the top of the hill! Was this some dastardly plot?

When we reached Alresford five of my pals joined me for tea, in my garden. They did leave me a very small piece of Belgian Chocolate Cake for later. They insisted it was in my best interest that they had removed most of it from temptation.

Another most enjoyable day done and well and truly dusted.

Here is the map and data for the day.


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