Sunday 19 March 2017

My Week

I finished the week with a most enjoyable day out with the Veteran Cycle Club Hampshire Lightweights. As you can see a more modest mileage on fairly flat terrain, but oh! that wind made me use all of my 2 gears! This was Scottie's first appearance on such a special ride with me in the saddle. (Bob may have ridden him there before). Lovely countryside with lots of primroses lining the banks.
The Red Dragon Team on their F.H. SCOTT Red Dragons.
I am very happy that I seem to have coped very well with 4 rides in the week totalling just over 154 miles.  The weather has been a bit grey and windy but that is much preferable to the rain.

Many thanks to all of those who have ridden with me this week for making it all such fun!


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