Sunday 5 February 2017

Winchester CTC Ride to Preston Candover.

Saturday 4th February 2017.

Only one ride this week due to weather and other Charity commitments. However, it was a very busy and enjoyable week. First at Naomi House, in the finance section, then preparing the Annual Return and accounts for Save the Children, Alresford Branch and last but not least helping with Winchester CTC, first at the committee meeting and then with the use of Face Book.
A chance sighting of a friend running in Kings Worthy and meeting another cycling friend near Oakley made Saturday's ride even more special. At one stage I appeared to have lost my bike!

Picture by Cycmon.

Down the Candover valley the snowdrops are now out in swathes and with so many birds singing can it be long before it is spring.

Here is my summary of the day.


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