Sunday 26 February 2017

Not my finest week ever!

I have had a very poor week this past week with only one ride of 33 miles. I'm afraid I just have not been my normal self, struggling to do anything much and taking time off to just take it easy and regain my normal enthusiasm for my usual round of cycling, gardening, housework and charity support. 
I am very pleased to report that I have had tremendous encouragement from my many friends and family which has helped enormously. I certainly think I should be able to join the Pedallers on Tuesday to hunt for pancakes!
My one ride was last Tuesday 21st February when I led a small group to Petersfield for coffee at The Cloisters Cafe. Here are more details:-

I was interested to find the pile of stones referred to in Ken E.'s report of his recent ride leading Winchester CTC. They are by the side of the A272 near Bramdean at the foot of the hill leading up to Brookwood Park.
We did find them and Simon took some photos. However it was disappointing to discover that they probably are not part of an ancient monument but are of recent origin. More details can be found here:
The weather was dull but at least it didn't rain. 
I did manage to drive to the HCMF meet at The Fox, Ellisfield on Thursday to enjoy the company of about 20 members. A very good turnout considering the weather which although mainly dry was very windy.
My school report for the week must be "Can do better"!

Grid(not so)Ironman.

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