Thursday 31 December 2015

Final Rides of 2015.

Monday 28th December 2015. Dog Minding.

Just a chance to get out on Posh as the roads were dry. Not the most exciting ride I have done this year.

Tuesday 29th December 2015. Circuit via Southwick

A much better day for cycling as I had no other commitments. I decided to head south to Bishops Waltham and then chose where to go next. As I climbed the hill to The Milbury's it started to rain so I sheltered in the pub's porch until the shower had gone by. However, as soon as I started off  again, so did the rain, but it was very light so I did not even bother to put on my rain jacket. In BW I popped into Stainers Tea Shop for a coffee and a Bath bun. Delicious and very good value at £2.80. 
I next headed for Wickham thinking I might lunch there. However when I got there it was too early so I continued to the east through North Boarhunt. Here a mobile police camera unit was doing its job. I was doing about 20 m.p.h as I sped past, so "no worries"!
I don't think they would have got my number anyway.
Southwick Church
Royal Navy Cottages.
I had a look around Southwick which has changed since I last visited it some years ago when HMS Dryad was located there. Its place has now been taken by the Defence College of Policing and Guarding and the Regimental HQ of the Royal Military Police. 

I still was not ready for lunch and decided to ride on to Denmead and find some there. This area is heavily wooded, I believe it was originally all part of the Forest of Bere.

In Denmead I spotted a Fish & Chip shop so I popped in there and had a very good portion of cod and chips. In fact it was just a little too much and I had to leave a few of the chips. I chatted with a couple of off road motor bikers who had also stopped for a bite.

From Denmead it is steady climb all the way past the Bat & Ball to the top of the down overlooking East Meon. My two motor cyclist friends passed me on one of the steeper bits, they gave me a cheery wave but didn't offer me a tow.

I sped down to E. Meon easily clocking up my fastest speed of recent times without turning a pedal, maybe I should have tried to get a lifetime best? It was great fun anyway. 

I do not really like the climb out of West Meon to Brockwood and I chose instead to toil up Wheely Down from Warnford. Why?
Maybe to enjoy the views from the ridge towards Hinton Ampner, and then another fast descent (the back way) into Kilmeston, a tad slower than my earlier one.

I had seen quite a few other cyclists out and about but as I rode the last three miles from the Ropley roundabout I caught up with another guy riding a Specialized Secteur identical to Posh. He turned up Bridge Road too, so as soon as I was home I checked my garage to make sure Posh was still there! (Sporty was pleased he had chased and caught a "Posh" bike.)

I had planned to get home before dark, arriving there at 16.05 the official time for sunset in Alresford. What good timing.

Thu. 31st December 2015. The last few miles.

I set off to ride 8 miles to leave just 3 more to reach my target of 4.500 miles for the year. However it was such a nice morning that I just couldn't refrain from keeping going as I headed towards Preston Candover. For about half a mile I was accompanied by a soaring red kite. Eventually it decided that I was not easy meat and veered away towards Chilton Candover. As it twisted and turned in the sunshine the beautiful colours were revealed. I think perhaps I should get a helmet camera to record such events.

In Upper Wield the roads were in an atrocious state, though compared to what is going on in the North of the country we should be thankful that our troubles are very small beer.

As I reached the green in the centre of the village i stopped to celebrate clocking up the magic 4,500 miles. 

Just see how lovely the sunshine was.

My trusty Sporty takes a breather.
He has covered 2,205 of the miles in the year.
I continued on to Four Marks were I wanted to pop in to see Owen in his bike shop to wish him a Happy New Year. He was busy with some other customers but I did manage to exchange a few words with him. He has now fully recovered from his accident and is now racing again, but still short on fitness.
Soon afterwards my CTC training prevailed and  I was in the Tree House Coffee Shop enjoying mince pies and a coffee. 

A few more miles and I was home to celebrate with a gin and tonic while I cooked my lunch.  Well no one drank any last night so I thought I'd better check it was OK.

A very happy Bunny!
The Final map for the year.
At six oclock I joined Andrew to ride in "Triumph" to The Flower Pots in Cheriton. We topped up our miles to confirm we had completed our challenges and we celebrated with a couple of pints. It was exhilarating riding there in the dark. Both of us seeming to have decent lights; though I was not as confident as Andrew who rode over the footbridge by the ford. I walked.

A fitting end to a great record breaking year. I think Jean would have approved.

Our Final totals 4,520 miles and Andrew's 5,006. Other Alresford Groupetta Mileages to follow!

Looking forward to my new challenges in 2016. More details here:

My very best wishes to you all for 2016.


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