Saturday 12 December 2015

Two Rides with The Alresford Groupetta Pals.

I have had a busy week. 

My good friend Eric visited me for a couple of days which meant I was unable to attend one of the Christmas Time Lunches with some of my other cycling friends.
However he left on Wednesday 9th December just before lunch so I was able to make the most of a sunny spell in the weather to get out on my bike. I was joined by Andrew who just had time for an hour so before helping Santa with his staged arrival in Alresford.
We had a good ride round some of the local lanes, taking advantage of the westerly breeze to head east from The Milbury's along the ridge. The sun was illuminating the winter landscape and Hinton Ampner House was clearly visible some distance away.
Hinton Ampner House from the Ridge near The Milbury's.
We achieved our top speed of the day hurtling down Riversdown past the Chicken Farm. At the bottom we turned for home but Andrew did throw in a wobbly when instead of passing by Hinton Ampner House he turned back up to Kilmeston along a very muddy road. 
All too soon Andrew needed to get home and he left me  just before I turned off to Tichborne to continue on along the Cheriton Road past the Golf Club. 

A good short ride to take advantage of a break in the dreary wet weather.

Friday 11th December 2015.

Simon wanted some company in planning his easy afternoon ride with The Winchester CTC on Saturday, so Andrew and I joined him. We set off into Winchester along the B3047  at 9 a.m. 
At first it must have been my lucky day for not only did I see Bill Ragan on his way to golf but also first Sara and Debs in Itchen Abbass riding towards Alresford but also Ken, Julie and Paul leaving Winchester on their bikes. Also spotted in a bus shelter another friend Melissa! (See the other kind of luck later!)
At the Hotel Simon started recording his route to check and amend a route he had prepared earlier on Garmin. We took a familiar route out of the city using a couple of short lengths of footpath to avoid some of the traffic. At Sparsholt the first amendment was agreed, to go to Kings Somborne via Crab Wood and Farley Mount rather than to use the muddy track to Up Somborne. As we approached Ashley we spotted four deer in a field to our right. They were moving towards the road and Simon shouted a warning to be careful in case they crossed in our path. They duly did, we were only about 20 yards away from them as they set off at top speed across the next field. A lovely sight! At this time of the year they have very dark coats. Sadly no picture.
We were not far from coffee as we sped through Kings Somborne, or so we thought, but when we got to Houghton lodge we found the tea shop was closed until March as there is insufficient trade in the winter. Unfortunately riding down the rough track to the complex I must have picked up a flint for within half a mile I had a flat tyre. Removing the flint and changing the tube took us about 20 mins. Thank Simon for you very able help. I did manage to get the wheel off the bike and the damaged tube out before Andrew had caught up with him and brought him back to help.

Just a little further on we saw this road casualty lying on the verge. A sad sight. A beautiful Stoat.

We stopped in Stockbridge at Lillie Langtrey's tea shop for a C&C before climbing the hill out of the town. Quite a long hill but not too steep, however Simon had got too far ahead for me to stop him continuing along the B road instead of diverting through Little Somborne as had been planned. However that worked out well as it meant we got home a little earlier and well before my critical time of 2 p.m.
Thanks Simon and Andrew for the company and for your help in dealing with my puncture.
Here is my route and details for the day.

I had a very pleasant afternoon after I'd showered and changed going to Winchester for a couple of beers with friends and then to join a Ceilidh in the "Disco Centre".  It must be many years since I last did any kind of folk dancing. it was great fun with two good callers who led us through the steps before each dance. I'm afraid I managed to take a tumble after getting giddy from some fast spinning and hurt both my knee and my pride. I sat and enjoyed the rest of the evening as a spectator.
I stayed overnight with my good friends Caroline and Ian in company with two of their other friends. Caroline treated us to a cooked breakfast this morning before I managed to drag myself home. Thanks Caroline and Ian for you kindness.

Having been with Simon on his reconnaissance I did not ride with him on his CTC ride today. I hope he had a good one despite the somewhat indifferent weather and strong breeze.


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