Monday 4 May 2020

Into May with a Multitude of Flowers.

Sorry to be late with publication this week. I managed to get a delivery slot with Sainsbury's and had to get my order in before 9 p.m. last evening so that took priority!

I had an excellent week working in the garden and cycling in between the garden days. Also working on tidying up my archives. I found more flowers to add to my spring collection. See Below. I haven't named them as I thought you might like to guess. Please let me know if you want to know what they are. Don't forget you can see them full size as a slide show. 

Three rides totalling just over 70 miles. I am enjoying continuing to ride Paris. Surprisingly managed a couple of PBs too. 

Apologies for the poor focus on some of the pictures. It can be tricky getting it just right.


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