Sunday 10 May 2020

More Miles Escaping From Lockdown.

I am really missing riding with my friends and meeting the Fellowship Members at our weekly pub meets. It looks like being a while yet before that will change. However, I have kept in touch with a lot of them through FB, E-mail and Blogging and yesterday two of my besties had refreshments on my front lawn while I sat inside my front door to chat.

I have continued to spot more flowers, one or two haven't really been added to the list as they are obvious escapees. e.g. Aquilegia.

I hope you have all been able to get some meaningful exercise too.

V.E. Day in Soberton.

Here are my usual maps with data and short comments.

My attempts at Brightstone Hill over the years. Note that efforts 1 and 2 don't really count as they were on Txiki, so I am quite pleased with today's effort. When riding this hill in the past with some of my mates I have told them to have a sweepstake at the top to guess how long will elapse before I join them.

I was interested to see that of all my friends who record on Strava Owen Patterson is the best at just under 5 mins. Why not check where you come?

Best wishes to you all, Stay Safe, Take Care & Keep turning those pedals!


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