Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Springtime is well and truly here.

Tuesday 21st April 2020.

What a lovely day for a ride, if a bit breezy. I set out to do a short ride around our local circuit but then got lured into a longer one by the lovely smells, first the oilseed rape then the bluebells and ramsons the latter tending to overpower the former. With a whiff or two of flowering shrubs and the rapidly greening of the woods and hedges I felt really alive.

As I climbed Gander Down a hare shot across the road just ahead of me and a lady driving the other way in a 4x4 enjoyed the moment too and we exchanged grins of pleasure. I tried to get a photo of the hare as it sped away across the field but never managed to get it in focus. The half-mile along the A272 was not quite so daunting as normal with little traffic.

Here is my map of the day along with a couple of pictures.

Duckpond Curdridge.

Ladies Smock.

My Picnic spot on a grassy sward.
Should I be worried I might be reported?

Jack by the Hedge
Yellow Flag
Flowers Seen.

Saw the first migrant birds, Swallows and House Martins.
Butterflies too, quite a few orange tip and some cabbage white as well as brimstone.

Do you know which church this is? It is very near to one of our HCMF regulars.

Another good week for cycling, we have been incredibly lucky with the weather, though it looks like it might change over the next week.

Take Care, Keep Safe and best wishes to you all,


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