Sunday 6 January 2019

A dry but chilly start to the new year.

I started the New Year with a dual purpose ride on Thursday 3rd January. I went on my carbon road bike, Paris, and managed a fairly lumpy ride OK though I was reminded why I had bought Txiki when the Pedallers dropped me on the climb through Kilmeston to Rookswood Farm. 

Last September my friend Jo took this picture of Sunflowers near West Stratton. 

This shot taken on my ride shows the same sunflowers looking rather sad.


On Friday, Jan 4th I took Txiki to The E-Bikeshop for his first free service and to have the puncture repaired. I told the mechanic that I had been unable to remove the tyre and he showed me how to do it. I was amazed he did it so easily in a few seconds. I am not sure that I can replicate how he did it. The service has improved the gear change allowing me a greater spread of cogs when using the 50 chainwheel.  

Saturday 5th January.
Paddy and I joined together for our first E-Bike ride of the year.

Venison the Band!

Just to remind us that even at this time of year there is colour in our gardens I did a tour of my garden 
and recorded these flowers brightening my day. 





A different Viburnum.

Purple Sprouting.

To finish the week on Sunday 6th January I went to Kings Worthy to help with the catering at the end of The Watership Down Audax.

A very good start for the year with a total of 83.6 miles ridden. This is very similar to my weekly average for 2018. The most important part of this was sharing with and meeting friends and enjoying their companionship as well as the physical exercise.
With me washing and Caroline drying what could be better!


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