Saturday 7 April 2018

More like Spring!

These last few days has seen an improvement in our weather here in Hampshire. Two rides without any significant rain and some nice sunshine, much warmer too. On Thursday 5th April I rode alone to the HCMF meet at Soberton. When I got there I discovered I had been following Steve about ten minutes behind. We had a good lunch together before we said a brief hello to the others who had chosen to go into the bar instead of the dining room where tables had been reserved for us. Steve and I rode together the "easy way" to Old Winchester Hill. We parted here and Steve went on for a much longer way home via Four Marks.
It was a very enjoyable ride, thanks Steve for your company.

Map and Data for Thursday 5th April.

Today Saturday 7th April I had a most enjoyable day out with a small number of friends who I had not ridden with recently. Here are the Map and Data with a brief description. 

I enquired at the pub about my friend Laurence John, who was the victim of a horrible accident a couple of months ago,  and had the good news that he is back home and has been in the pub a couple of times.

The violets near Northington.

Some of the flowers in my garden. Not bad seeing how much I've neglected it these last 12 months! 

Thanks PinkPal, Kate, John and Ken for your good companionship on and off the bikes. 


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