Sunday 15 April 2018

A busy mid week.

Two rides in two days but then when I was hoping for another this morning (Thursday 12th) I woke feeling awful, seems I have picked up my first cold in about three years. I guess I have been very lucky. Just hoping I shake it off quickly as I have lots to do next week. Here are my two reports:-

Tuesday 10th April.

Pedallers ride to The Hawk Conservancy Centre.

                                                Wednesday 11th April.

                                 Away day with the LoTSW Group in the New Forest.

Unfortunately things only got worse and I have had to change all my plans just because of a stupid cold. Not having had one for along time I had forgotten how debilitating they can be especially when you spend all night coughing and wake up feeling more tired than when you went to bed. 
I have already cancelled my planned attendance at a birthday party and a visit to see my friend Millie and her family.
I am constantly revising my plans for the coming week and still hope to go and visit my family and friends. Dobbin is stamping impatiently waiting to fulfil his function. 

Hope to have more interesting news next time.


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