Sunday 25 February 2018

The Yew Tree & Circuit via Petersfield.

Thursday 22nd February 2018.

Joined the HCMF for lunch at the Yew Tree, Lower Wield.

Here are my route and further details:

On my way home I paused to get my breath before climbing Wheeley Down.
The Shark was looking good in the sunshine! 

I could only manage 27.4 mph freewheeling down from the Milbury's as I was riding into the wind for this descent. 
It was a good ride despite the cold as I was well wrapped up with 5 layers on. 
I was however for once disappointed by the quality of my food at Cloisters which is usually good. I had baked potato with Chilli con Carné. The spud was fine but he chilli had not been cooked into the mince, I think the cook had only sprinkled it onto the sauce and not mixed it in as it was non existent in some parts and moderate in others. They did ask if everything was OK and when I told them I was disappointed they reduced my bill, so I was happy with that.


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