Sunday 4 December 2016

Custom Cycling Circles & Two other Rides.

I have taken advantage of the sunny but chilly weather to enjoy three more rides in the lovely countryside. Although the predominate colours at this time of year are muted  brown and grey there are some bright green fields where the winter cereal crops are thriving and some bright red coloured berries in the hedgerows. I also have noticed several buzzards hanging around the roadsides, no doubt scavenging for road kill. Is this because live prey is more scarce?

It has also been great to catch up with some old friends who I have not seen for a while.

Tuesday 29th November 2016.

Cold but Sunny.

Thursday 1st December 2016.
HCMF Meet at East Stratton.

Saturday 3rd December 2016.
Winchester CTC ride to The Yew Tree.

My Graph for the Year to Date.


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