Sunday 11 December 2016

Christmas Party Time.

Bob and Sue on a wet day in February 2010
 at the Dolphin Inn in Hursley

This week my news is tinged with sadness. One of our friends and fellow cyclists Bob West died on Tuesday from lung cancer. Our thoughts are with his widow Sue. 

A week of mixed weather and mixed rides. A number of Christmas lunches taking place. 

Tuesday 6th December.

Thursday 8th December 2016.
Annual Festive Lunch with the H.C.M.F.

Red sky in the Morning, Shepherd's Warning?

This was the sky that greeted me when I got up, but once the sun had risen the sky clouded over and by 11 a.m. it was very damp and murky. I set off to ride to the HCMF festive lunch at the Milbury's. I had just enough time to take a slightly longer route than the direct one through Cheriton. Here is my usual map and data:


Sunday 11th December 2016.

A  short ride to Lasham.     


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