Sunday 27 November 2016

Winds and Mist. Two fun rides!

Thursday 24 th November 2016.
Hampshire Hills and Dutch Hills* = Hard Work.

There were very strong winds coming from the NE so I knew it would be tough going to the HCMF meet at The Three Horseshoes, East Worldham, so I chose what I thought would be a sheltered route. Climbing up to Medstead through Bighton was mainly well sheltered except for one short stretch where it blew so hard I was on my granny gear on a gentle slope. Surprisingly it seemed less windy at the top (721 feet). Nearing the pub I was most surprised when a buzzard landed in the road only about 15 yards ahead of me. It took off again immediately but only flew to the top of the hedge so I passed it within a couple of yards, as soon as I was past it dropped down again onto the road kill it was after. Only half a mile later a much smaller bird did a similar thing. This time it was a Jenny Wren. What was she after?
At the pub only about 10 riders until the Fleet group arrived and doubled our numbers. No doubt the other regulars were meeting at an alternative venue. I did manage to have some useful discussions about the future management of the HCMF. I also received another donation to Angela's farewell present fund.

I must admit I was feeling pretty tired when I got home, I think the outward trip had taken more out of me than I imagined. Nevertheless it was another very satisfactory ride.

* Dutch hills = strong winds.

Saturday 26th November 2016.

An Interesting Trip to the Seaside.

A Turneresque View Near Hill Head.


Sunday 20 November 2016

A Game of Two Halves.

Only one ride this week as I have been enjoying some pre-Christmas visits to my friends and relations. However I have had time to deal with some office/computer work for Winchester CTC and for the Hampshire Midweek Fellowship during some of the wetter days.

Saturday 19th November 2016.

Summary of the Route and data for the two parts of the ride.

I didn't manage to get a shot of the whole group as we seemed to be strung out at the times when I had the opportunity to take pictures. These two were taken just before we arrived at the Lamb Inn. 

Our route out was over Farley Mount which only just tops 483 ft, but that road does undulate quite a lot so it is a great warmer! Just to test us more Steve took us back over the ridge to Braishfield saving the easier route along the Test valley and up the gradual climb to Crawley for  our return. Good planning Steve! I was grateful too that we took the shortcut into Mottisfont from Dunbridge as my little old legs were beginning to complain by then. However they did well on that gentle climb allowing me to catch Tim who had distanced me in Kings Somborne. 
The group did seem to fragment on the return trip as riders turned off in various places so by the time I got to Three Maids Hill I was accompanied by just Steve and Ken.
It was another day for catching up with friends , meeting Mary, Margaret and Paul who I'd not seen for a while.


Sunday 13 November 2016

Forays to the West and East.

Two very different rides this week. The first on Paris my "best bike", along with seven friends. The second on my "winter bike" Sporty on my own. Both most enjoyable. I find the companionship of my friends very important to me, but I still enjoy my solo expeditions too.

Tuesday 8th November 2016.

Don't forget you can see the maps and other pictures full screen if you click on one of them.

Sunday 13th November 2016.

After the heavy rain last night leaving the roads wet and strewn with gravel in places I chose to ride Sporty with Schwalbe Marathon Tyres and mudguards. Once again the colours of the trees and hedgerows were brilliant in the sunshine which lasted all day. 

First place for show was this hedge of hips. But many of the trees still have a lot of very colourful leaves too.
Traffic was light and I saw surprisingly few other cyclists though I did meet and chat with two in Liss at my first coffee stop.

One section of my ride was off road. Guess which "split" that was. It was across a golf course and through some very interesting woods. I had to walk for a short while as the track disappeared and became a footpath. Shortly after that I came across this giant golf ball. 

Where was I?

I had a couple of longish hills to climb, the hardest was the climb from near Bentley, through Lower Foyle to the Golden Pot, but even that one was climbed without resort to my lowest gear. In fact I set a new PB on that climb, much to my surprise. Maybe I haven't ridden it on one of my faster bikes.

I did notice however that the last climb of the day from Swarraton to Abbotstone Common took me three minutes longer than my best time, I obviously was getting tired by then.


Sunday 6 November 2016

Fine start to November.

Thursday 3rd November 2016.
HCMF Meet at the King's Head Crawley.

A lovely day for a ride, but a bit chilly. I have just bought a new gilet and wore it for the first time. I was very pleased with it. Made me feel better dressed for the cold day.

Following my knee problems I set of with some trepidation. When I got to Ovington I was going so well that I chose to take the long route over Gander Down to Owslebury and then through Colden Common and Otterbourne to get to the pub. This turned out to be a good decision as I had no problems.
In Colden Common as I approached the SLR sign it flashed up 31 mph! Phew I thought I was only doing about 16 mph.  Then I realised it must have picked up the car some 100 yards behind me.
At the pub I discovered the regulars and a couple of others. I was not really hungry but I stayed long enough for a pint and to photograph Bob's lovely 1896  front wheel drive cycle before setting off to enjoy the afternoon.

Bob's immaculate Cycle.
The distant view of the monument.
 I started off to go to Sparsholt, but when I got to Standon I changed my mind and climbed the hill to Farley Mount instead. As I reached the top of the hill I spotted the famous monument in the distance and decided to go and take a closer look.

The Inscription.

From the car park I walked most of the path to avoid the possibility of getting a flint or bramble puncture.
My efforts were rewarded as the views both of the monument and the surrounding countryside made it well worth while.
The Monument.

Countryside views.

I sat for a while just enjoying the warm sunshine before setting off for home. I passed several vineyards, the grapes seem to have been harvested by now. I was glad I chose to go via Ashley and Up Somborne for just north of the latter I was caught by my friend Steve who had been out for a solo ride too. We rode together to Three Maids Hill where we went our separate ways.

I was home about 3.30 p.m. well before it started to get dark. A most enjoyable day out without any problems with the knee!

Summary of the day with map and data. 
I was pleasantly surprised to find that despite my gentle pace walking to the monument my average moving speed was still 11.6 mph.

Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th November 2016.

Spindleberries against
the blue sky.
More spindleberries.
Old man's beard on a field maple.
Lots of different species.
Too busy with parties and walking with my daughter to get out on one of my bikes, but did get to admire the lovely coloured berries and beautiful shapes in the hedgerows. here are some of the pictures I took. 

The tallest Field Maple that
 I've seen in a long time.
We also got to see a lot of small fish in the river. Trout or Grayling? I'm not sure which.


Click on one to enlarge them to full screen and enjoy.
