Sunday 16 October 2016

A New Coffee Stop and My Furthest Yet in a A Year.

My Week.

It has been another busy week for me both on and off the bike.

In addition to my rides I have been active coordinating the plans for the future management of the Hampshire Cyclists' Midweek Fellowship and attending the Winchester CTC AGM.
Managed to get myself elected as Welfare officer. What have I let myself in for?
I have now ridden over 5,000 miles this year, well past my previous best so what do I do now, retire, keep going to let you all have another go at "Guess my Miles" in aid of Forever Projects/Angels.

Tuesday 11th October 2016.

Hill Farm Caravan Park Coffee Shop.

I decided not to join Winchester CTC ride as their route was on roads close to home that I ride regularly. It was another great day for cycling with sunshine for most of the time. We sped along so well that I managed a few more PBs. The cafĂ© was not one most of us had been to before. It is at a Caravan Park so was quite quiet at this time of the year. I guess it would be busier in summer. 
We had a nice break and at my suggestion we started back via Newtown and Awbridge. Two of us left the others near Kimbridge to head home via Braishfield while the others returned to Crawley.

Making the most of the fine weather to complete
drilling next years crops.
Near Farley Church.
I parted company with my friend in Braishfield taking the very picturesque and quiet lane past Farley Church. I stopped to take pictures, leaning my bike against an open farm gate. Of course while my back was turned a farmer had come out of the field, moved my bike and locked the gate. I apologised and we had a nice chat. He told me that the field they were drilling was the last one to do. The field he had just left was already showing green winter wheat shoots.

I was getting a bit peckish now. It was gone one o'clock by the time I got to Hursley, so I popped into the Dolphin to enjoy a tasty lunch with a refreshing pint. Good move, it was very pleasant sitting in the sunshine and relaxing.

Not wanting to go along the B3047 that I ride so often, my chosen route home was via Owslebury. Near there I spotted several very large fungi. 

Another super fast descent into Cheriton and I was home via the ford footbridge.

Don't forget that you can view the  map and other  pictures full screen if you click on them.

Thursday 13th October 2016.

It was an important meeting at the Tchborne Arms where we spent some time finalising the arrangements for the future of the HCMF. We have now decided to split the county into 4 sections with one or more of the members arranging the pubs for our meetings. Details will then be forwarded to me as coordinator and I will circulate the programme for the next 17 weeks. This arrangement will start in 2017.
As the meeting was only 2 miles from home I took a short loop via Bramdean and Cheriton.

Saturday 15th October.

We had a good day out with Sheelagh leading us over an innovative route. We did have some minor problems. Just near Micheldever Station my friend Paul lost a pedal and left crank, fortunately some of the more mechanical minded of us managed to reattach it. This proved not to be a permanent cure for after 67 miles in Itchen Abbas just one mile from home it came undone again. I went to get my car to rescue Paul but he managed to ride the last mile with one pedal!!! Another member of the group also had a problem, a flat tyre. Some riders continued while a small group stopped to help and this was soon fixed and  they arrived at the George in Vernham Dean only a few minutes behind the rest of us. After lunch the dreaded Conholt Hill, 14.5% at the steepest, nearly 8% overall.
On the way home the group fragmented near Fullerton when a large group being ahead of the leader took the direct route down to the village. Only four going the right way to Longstock. I joined the breakaways as my friend Paul was with them. 
In any case I wanted to leave the ride at this point to go a more direct way home to Alresford. 
We had got to Stoke Charity before the rain started and we were pretty damp by the time we got home. A very enjoyable ride despite the late rain and the mechanicals! Thanks Sheelagh.


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