Tuesday 17 May 2016

Tea at the Chocolate Frog.

Tuesday 17th May 2016.

The trees are mostly clothed in green now with very few dark patches in the woods. The Cow Parsley and the May (Hawthorn) flowers are turning the hedgerows and verges into white again now the Blackthorn flowers have gone. Still lots of Primroses and Cowslips. Less obvious are Jack by the Hedge and Jack in the Pulpit, Red Campion too in many places and of course still Bluebells and Wild Garlic. In the sky more House Martins and a large Buzzard. Whilst having my cake I was visited by a House Sparrow and a Pied Wagtail, both looking for crumbs no doubt.
A most enjoyable fitness training day too with a good average speed despite some climbing.


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