Saturday 6 June 2015

Two social rides this week.

Thursday 4th June 2015.
Ride to The Sun Inn, Bentworth to join the HCMF for lunch.

It was my first Thursday ride for several weeks so I thought it would be good to catch up with my friends in the HCMF. The meet was at The Sun Inn, Bentworth, only about 9 miles from home so not too demanding. It was a lovely sunny day and I enjoyed trundling along at a gentle pace after the frenetic riding of last Saturday on the Sportive. Once through Bighton I stopped to take of my gilet as I was already warming up. I chose to test my legs up Chalky Hill to Hattingley instead of the more direct route to Medstead. I did set a new PB for the climb of 6 mins 55 secs, at an average speed of 5.8 m.p.h.
I was soon through Medstead and into Bentworth. When I got to the pub I found a modest number of riders there, they looked even fewer as they seemed to be secreting themselves in a number of different places, so after a chat with John Heath I took my lunch outside to share the craic there. I had a long chat with Don. 
David and Richard seemed to have disappeared so I thought they had gone, only to discover they were with Laurence in a hidey hole in a small garden I didn't even know existed.

I was very touched by the many messages of comfort and good will I had from all. Thanks, Pals. It really does help.

Eventually I headed off to ride home, but not even having ridden 10 miles so far I did take a longer route through Burkham and Axford and along the Candover Valley. As I entered Preston Candover a black van came out of the turning to Bradley. He appeared to think twice about coming out in front of me before stopping and letting me by. However after about 100 yards he overtook me, put on his hazard lights and stopped in front of me. I pulled out to pass him and he gave me a dirty look before driving off with maximum revs in a great cloud of black smoke. (Was he the wizard of The Candovers? And had I offended him? I made it home without further incident, so maybe not!). 

A good return to midweek cycling, long may it continue.

Saturday 6th June 2015. Winchester CTC ride to Curdridge for lunch at The Cricketers Inn.
Simon and I had decided to join this ride despite there being no appointed leader. We rode into the City to discover only three others had turned up to take part. After some discussion I persuaded the others to allow me to lead them to Curdridge as it was in a direction not often ridden by Winchester CTC Saturday group. 
This worked well. We did of course have to exit the City along the familiar cycle path to Hockley and then through Twyford before we turned off the busy road and meandered through Colden Common to Fishers Pond. 
We did a loop to the East before touching the outskirts of Fair Oak and then we headed for Durley, past Durley Church. We found a new interesting coffee stop at the Quob Stables & Equestrian Centre. Very busy with lots of youngsters and ponies. However the coffee shop was not busy and we were soon enjoying a refreshing cup. (Not the highest quality but OK).
It only took us another half an hour to get to our lunch destination , The Cricketers, Dundridge. Here we sat in the sun, wondering whether we should have stayed inside because of the cold wind. 
It was a while before our sandwiches arrived and also a while before they were eaten. They were very large!
After over an hour we resumed our ride heading through Waltham Chase to Swanmore. We turned for home here and pedalled our way to Bishops Waltham. Some chat here with a number of passing folk about bikes and exploits. 
We rode out of the town towards Fishers Pond and four of us turned up the lane to Upham while Mike continued to wards his home alone along the B2177. 
The hilliest part of the day now, the climbs to Upham and then over the hill to Baybridge and Oslebury and then finally cresting the South Downs Ridge via Gander Down, our highest point of the day at 527 feet. The descent into Ovington was of course great fun  and we had little trouble in crossing the A31 dual carriage way. In Ovington our paths split with Ken and Steve turning towards Avington while Simon and I made our way to Alresford.

It was a most enjoyable day out with friends despite the strong breeze.


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