Tuesday 16 June 2015

More social rides.

Monday 8th June 2015.
Paddy dragged me out to join him on a late afternoon ride just to keep our legs used to cycling!

We weren't going for any records and we chatted most of the time as we rode. We headed round one of our regular gentle routes going first through Tichborne and Cheriton and then to Upham. this was our most Southerly point and we returned home via Woodlands and lane End.

The sweetest part of the ride being the long downhill of Gander Down. Paddy easily outstripping me.

We were lucky at the A31 playing chicken with the fast moving cars and getting straight across without stopping!

Thanks Paddy for an enjoyable ride in the countryside.

For the record here is the map and also the data:

Thursday 11th June 2015.
No buddy to ride with today, they were all busy with work and other mundane matters!
I went to join the HCMF meet at The Phoenix, in Twyford. Of course that needed a little loop to get there so as not to ride the Itchen Valley too often. I took one of my favourite routes via Gander Down, (climbing it this time!), Owslebury and Hensting Lane.

Here is the map from which you can see the profile with the lumpy bits out of the way before lunch.

With the RV being near Winchester a number of my less able friends from the City were there, it was good to see them and catch up with their news, and tell them mine.

A busy week for me with other matters to deal with, so no time to ride on Saturday. Hope to be able to get out more over the rest of the summer.


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