Sunday 21 February 2021

One Old Crock Pottering About.

Over the last three weeks my activities I have done very little worthy of comment, but I thought it was about time I let you know how things have been going. Whilst I am still recovering from my tumbles I have in addition had severe sciatica. 

Luckily I have been well looked after by my family and friends. I can manage a mile or two with a walking stick and on Thursday I managed about 1,5 hours gardening with the help of my two grandsons.

I'm sorry to say I am just getting older and all these things do conspire to prevent one from doing many things. 

To keep myself occupied I have been doing a lot of research to update my family tree and to correct errors. I have found quite a few. It is very easy to get two families mixed up as our ancestors often repeated the names in the family so cousins often had the same names making it easy to confuse the line of descent.

Here are the maps of my little walks:_

A massive total of just over 5 miles for the period!



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