Sunday 28 February 2021

More Tottering!.


Riverside near Easton

Have had a good week with the sciatica gradually becoming less painful. Only two recorded walks as I have been doing a little gardening too. 

One day I walked into the town and back to do a little shopping and return my library books.

My support bubble daughter Sarah and her husband came for lunch on Thursday. I cooked roast chicken with roast spuds, peas and carrots. They had to scrounge puddings!

Yesterday I drove to Easton to walk somewhere different and to give the car an airing. Enjoyed trundling along the lanes at a slow speed pretending I was cycling. A brightly coloured Jay flew past me. 

I stopped to buy a cake at the West Lea Farm Shop and when I got home discovered I had lost my door keys, quickly went back to the shop where I found them on the doorstep. They must have popped out of my pocket as I pulled out my car key. Phew!

Easton Church.

Easton The Old Rectory. A substantial building.

Just missed snapping the heron!

Croci on the bank by the ARC.

Early Primroses.

I hope, like me, you are all keeping well and enjoying whatever you are managing to do.


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