Since my last blog of April 19th, I've had a fairly torrid time.
I started well with an outing on April 24th to Hinton Ampner with my Daughter and our friend Rosie. I pottered around with one stick and had regular stops to rest. It was a lovely day, too hot to sit long in the sun, so, I found sheltered spots with dappled sunshine to be best.
My laburnum tree, grown from a seedling, in full flower for the first time this year after just a couple of blooms last year.
However on April 26th disaster. I was suddenly, for no apparent reason, stricken with severe pain in my back and down both legs. I could hardly move. Hardly slept a wink for three days. I rang the surgery for help and on Thursday Doctor Gupta came to help. When I opened the front door a very smart good looking young man stood there, I guessed him to be about 17. However, he soon proved he knew his business and gave me a very thorough examination. Added another pill to the collection I was already taking. This has shown its worth since then enabling me to get some decent sleep. On Friday a senior doctor rang to see how I was. Advised me to carry on with the medication and told me that he would arrange for me to go to hospital for some tests and X-rays. He also said that as the surgery would be closed until Tuesday because of the Bank Holiday, if I felt any worse over the weekend to ring 111.
On Sunday 2nd May I was struggling to do anything so rang 111. Within an hour an ambulance arrived to see if the paramedics could help. They gave me a thorough check over and advised me to increase one of my pain killers to a higher allowable dose. I was then determined to last until Tuesday. Over that week my daughter Sarah gave me some valuable support too.
The doctor rang again early on Tuesday morning to tell me he had arranged for me to go to Basingstoke Hospital and about 5 p.m. it arrived. After the usual checks, we set off and arrived at the hospital around 6 p.m.
As it was late in the day I thought nothing much would happen. I was very mistaken. During the course of the evening I was examined by several different doctors, had several tests of blood and urine. Was X-rayed and given some strong painkillers. It must have been around 11 p.m. by the time the last visit by a doctor took place.
The next morning the consultant came to see me and said he would arrange a MRI scan. However I would be able to go home in the meantime.
All of the staff who attended to me were brilliant, so caring and thoughtful I could not have been treated better. The food wasn't too bad either, my only complaint was that the medium portions I chose were too large.
Alresford Pigs have been most helpful too. Provided me with a walking frame which I found somewhat cumbersome, so they changed it for a wheeled walker with two trays which I have found most useful.
After two nights in Basingstoke Hospital and after various tests I have returned home with the knowledge that there is no sinister unknown infection or a cancer-causing the backache, It is simply the fact that I am wearing out, and the back needs treating with more respect. So I will be changing my lifestyle. to avoid most hard manual labour. (Good excuse?}
Any offers to look after my garden?
I will see how I get on over the next couple of weeks before making any major decisions. In the meantime, thanks to all of you who have sent me messages and offered help in any way.
May 2nd. I am very restricted on my movements at present so thought I'd try some very local photography. I was too slow to get a picture of the first visitor, a rook. but I did get these of the magpies who came to clear up my leftovers from lunch.
May 10th. Lots more bird activity in the garden. I threw out some cheese and biscuits I'd managed to drop on the floor. Within two minutes several starlings, three Jackdaws, followed by a rook and a couple of magpies. Then some sparrows Should have had my camera ready. Since then I had a Red Kite swoop down and take a piece of fish off the lawn, scattering all the other birds who were feeding.
May 11th. A pleasant surprise this afternoon when Bill and Karen Ragan called to see how I was and we had a nice chat with tea in the garden. They brought me a large pack of biscuits. That was kind, I have made them last and am still enjoying them.
I have also had visits from Carol & Dav, Sarah (PinkPal), My grandson Hugo, My granddaughter Zoe with her partner, Andrew Wilcox and numerous times my own Sarah. Thanks to them all for helping me to stay positive.
Thanks to my good friends David & Carol Hadnett I now have upgraded my wheels with a single-seater sports model. It folds too so I will be able to use it in combination with my car.
Eventually I Sarah took me to the hospital for my MRI scan, still no news on the results
Much to my surprise one evening, I sat for three hours watching and listening to Andre Rieu on SKY Arts. Not only did he and his orchestra keep me entranced with the atmosphere but they played several of my favourites. It was wonderful to see so many of the very large crowd join in but also to see Andre dancing with a 100-year-old lady from the crowd. The ladies in the orchestra were very colourful in their beautiful crinolines. The star of the show was a nine-year-old with a terrific voice. If you want to have an evening to remember book one of his concerts.
Andrew and Simon took me to The Flower Pots for a chat and a beer (mine zero alcohol) lots of motorbikes there. My first outing in ages.
Success! I have driven into town and collected my prescriptions from the Pharmacy all on my own!
Then last weekend I drove over to my daughter's to share in a family BBQ.
Sarah's No Mow May Lawn!
Other flowering shrubs in my garden.
Self-sown flowers in my one-time veggie patch.