Sunday 12 January 2020

What, No E-Power

With Txiki out of commission at the moment I have to rely on pedal power this week. I did miss his gentle assistance on the hills. The E-bike Shop informed me on Saturday that the necessary part had been tracked from Spain to Heathrow so should be with them shortly.

Wednesday 8th January 2020.

Part one of TeeTee's annual MOT, habitation check and service trip. I drove to Lower Upham with Posh on the rack and then rode home via Winchester to avoid the hills. Looking at the profile I see I managed to make it harder than necessary by following the NCR 25 via Winnall and Easton. Fortunately, the rush hour traffic had subsided by the time I was approaching Winchester and I made use of quieter roads through Colden Common. 

Thursday 9th January 2020.

Part two. A ride to Upham to collect TeeTee. It was a happy coincidence that the HCMF meet was at the Farmer's Home in Durley so I was able to combine lunch there with collecting TeeTee. As I left the pub it started to rain gently and then within a few minutes it turned into a proper downpour. I sped along Sceivers Lane, to get into the dry at Lower Upham, at fourteen miles an hour setting a new PB. So not missing the E-power here! I am pleased to say that TeeTee had passed the various checks with flying colours.
Was soon back home and in the warm shower while my damp clothes were getting a rinse too.

Sunday 12th January 2020.

Paddy conquers Riverdown

View towards Cheriton.& Hinton Ampner.

Hinton Ampner House glowing in the sunshine..

Only 56 miles ridden this week, but I am quite happy with that as each of my three rides has been enjoyable despite mixed weather and mucky wet roads.


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