Sunday 5 January 2020

First Forrays of 2020.

A pretty good start to the year with two good rides, but then a minor problem on the third spoilt the run of luck.

Managed to get this lovely picture on my third ride in the village of Bentworth. 

Created by the guy who lives there whose previous "venison" creations included this one:

New Years Day January 1st 2020.

A reasonable day as regards weather so I thought why not take the roundabout road to the Flower Pots to celebrate the new year.

It turned out well so although I rode alone met plenty of friends and other customers to chat to.

1938 Alvis outside the Flower Pots.

Thursday 2nd January 2020.

First HCMF Meet of 2020. A good turnout of fifteen.

Saturday 4th January 2020.

Hope to get Yxiki mended soon, in the meantime I will have to ride Paris or Posh. As Posh has not been out this year perhaps it's his turn. I have been in touch with the bike shop and they have ordered the replacement part. Should not take long to fix it they told me.


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