Sunday, 6 October 2019

Pinging Nuts & Acorns & Scrunching Beech Mast.

As my friend Bob observed last Thursday there are plenty of hazelnuts littering the roads recently and every now and then as one runs over one it pings across the road! I can remember as a child going "nutting". It was an important source of food like blackberrying and gleaning at a time when we had rationing.

Tuesday 1st October

For a second week running the morning was wet but the afternoon dry so a late start enabled an almost dry ride.

Thursday 3rd October.

We are really into Autumn now, the temperature into single digits early on and not much into double later. Fortunately I'd checked before setting off and I was wearing my winter tights and gilet for the first time.

Saturday 5th October.

Not having any of the Groupetta to ride with I opted to join the Winchester CTC ride led by Bob. A good choice as the ride was much easier than my other recent rides with the elevations being more modest and plenty of flatish going along the valleys. I took Txiki because I knew I'd be covering over 50 miles, but I could have managed on one of the others having covered over 45 miles on the first 25% of the battery. 

Bob had planned a good ride with coffee at Leckford and lunch at St. Mary Bourne, where we had a lovely chat at lunch with the others, taking care not to overhear the rugby in the next bar.

Another over the "ton" week. My average weekly figure now 99.5 miles. Need to beef that up during the better weather.


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