Sunday 13 October 2019

Welcome back to the Pedallers International!

Pedallers International having returned from their trip it was time to resume normal service. With other matters to attend to we were still only four on the ride on Tuesday 8th October. Sometimes small is beautiful, so it proved on this occasion with a most enjoyable ride. We were back in time to miss the rain too!

Thursday 10th October saw me out on my own again but meeting up with lots of friends en route, both during my visit to NH and in the pub at lunch. It was good to hear from June Morton that having learnt to ride as an adult recently she is now thriving on the bike and has joined her local Breeze group.

Sunday 13th October 2019.

It seemed to rain all morning so i was in no hurry to go out on my bike. However, after being entertained by the Japanese V Scotland rugby match while I had a delicious lamb steak for lunch it started to brighten up so it was time to get cycling again.

Still not quite averaging a ton. (99.8). Just 8 miles short. 

The most important thing is I am still greatly enjoying my rides thanks to a little assistance from Txiki! I still work hard but don't feel knackered when I get home. Today I used less than 50% of the battery.


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