Friday 7 September 2018

Autumnal Smells and Colours.

An early end to my week's blog as I am off tomorrow for a tour of Northampton, Derby, York and Hereford shires. I will report on any weekend rides with next week's rides.

Wednesday 5th September.

A modest group of two for our LotSW ride this week. Just David and myself. It was cool enough to need arm warmers but warm enough to be just about the right temperature for cycling.

Animals seen in the New Forest.
Typical New Forest scenery near Furzley.

What breed of sheep are these?

A mixture of animals.

David crests Ryedown Lane. Quite a steep last 200 metres. About 9%.

On my way back home from Poppies I was so happy I sang along with Dr.Hook in Dobbin. Good job I was alone as my singing lacks some finesse.

Thursday 6th September.

Cycmon joined me for our Thursday ride. We went via Oakley where we stopped for a coffee at Jolly Olly's.
There had been some last minute confusion over our RV for the HCMF's meet, but in the end we agreed on The Pelican at Pamber Heath, only a mile or so from the previously planned choice. About 20 members turned up and we enjoyed lunch in the semi sunshine in the garden. Service was a trifle chaotic but eventually we all were served. I enjoyed a very tasty baked spud with bacon and cheese with salad. 

Waiting patiently for lunch!

Goats eating blackberries near Old Basing

Our journey home was largely different from our morning ride. I made use of my knowledge of the roads garnered riding with The Pedallers over the last year and we made record time over the first seven miles to Chineham and Old Basing. (Multiple PBs!).
We could not keep up that speed from thereon as it was quite lumpy over a couple of ridges. I found the road down from Herriard to Axford quite tiring as it was into a headwind and the road is very rough. I started to get cold and put my arm warmers back on. We were lucky enough to get home just before we had some light rain.

Pictures from Thursday thanks to Fleet Cyclists and Cycmon.


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