Saturday 6 May 2017

Back in the UK!

Tuesday 2nd May 2017. 

It was with some trepidation that I joined the Alresford Groupetta and Pedallers ride as I was not sure how much my sore rib would affect me. I needn't have worried for as you can see from my ride summary I managed a moving speed of 12.4 mph. Our plan was to have coffee in Bishops Waltham but not wanting to get there too early we decided to take a roundabout route. We also factored in that Chris would be riding home, so we did a clockwise route so he could leave us after Upham. It was a fine day and the traffic on our route was largely light, so we were able to enjoy the countryside in its spring glory. 

Quite by chance we met the Winchester CTC in Swanmore and again later at The Flower Pots in Cheriton. 

My Ride Summary with view from the ridge east of the Milbury's.
Many of the fields were bright yellow with rape. The scent was very strong in places causing our noses to react. In some wooded areas there were swathes of white with the unmistakable scent of wild garlic. Red campion appearing now along with white dead nettle.

A most enjoyable day out with only a little discomfort of the rib when riding on bumpy surfaces.

Thursday 4th May 2017

Another chance to enjoy a good ride in preparation for a short break in the West Midlands. Another fine day with a mixture of cloud and sunshine.
My first objective was to check the roads we are using for The Pace Judging & Freewheeling Event on Saturday, so I rode through Ovington to Easton. The roads were all open after recent resurfacing work. 
I decided to try an unusual route for the day riding on some of the larger roads. The busiest of these was the road through Twyford to Allbrook, but even this one was not too bad. 

I discovered a new coffee stop near Allbrook and stopped for my first break (15 miles covered). The young lady running it was very welcoming and told me she plans to put out some tables and chairs.

Next I called at a garage in Belbins to talk to the manager about a small camper van I might be interested in buying.

At The Boot a few riders were sitting outside in the sunshine with a larger number inside. After the a meal, a drink and some craic I continued on my way through Stockbridge and along the A30 to Sutton Scotney. 

The worst part of this was I was riding over high ground into a strong NE wind. Traffic was not too heavy and as the road is 36 feet wide there was plenty of room for traffic to pass me. Time for tea I thought and called on my cousin for a chat and a cuppa.
The rest of my day was completed on more familiar roads and I arrived home around 4.30.

Saturday 6th May 2017.

Now off to cycle in the West Midlands.


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